Children Curricula

The Children’s Curriculum is really a Vision for the Future in every sense of the word. It contains sophisticated and interesting illustrative aids suitable for today’s children, who are most comfortable with modern technology. The curriculum has been designed to be attractive to both children and their parents, to read and to study. In fact, it is intended to enable parents to explain the lessons to their children. Finally, it achieves the difficult goal of linking biblical truths with real life.

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General guidelines of the Children's Curricula

Author: Vision For Future
Publisher: Vision For Future

Vision for the Future is happy to present this curriculum for children. Parents and family members can explain this curriculum in either the setting of the family or at church. The curriculum assumes interaction between the child and teacher through the use of several different methods, most of which include modern media presentation technologies. The effect is to help teachers explain many Christian principles to children.

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General guidelines of the Children's Curricula