Give A Hand Ministry Outreaches

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Syrians began to flee to Lebanon after the revolutions which known as the Arab Spring that blew up in 2011 in Syria.

The refugees live in very harsh conditions. Where some of them live in apartments or fixed houses, while the rest of them live in camps.

With the continued deterioration of the economic conditions in Lebanon, the payment of rents is becoming more and more difficult day by day. 75% of families are forced to live together and endure crowding and mixing.

The local church gives hard efforts to follow up the refugees and take care of them spiritually and physically.

That created a great need to send faithful missionaries from Egypt in evangelism outreaches to help spiritually, on the other side sending medical and relief outreaches to share the good news and preach in the name of Jesus Christ.
As a serving team we are pleased to share with you our news over the years about our outreaches among refugees through medical and psychological services we do, as well as women and Sunday school service, supported with some pictures from the real life out there.
Hoping that you continue support us with your prayers.

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